Presentation Open Access

OPAL: HPC codes and simulations to unveil the Origins of Planets for the ArieL space mission.

Polychroni D.; Politi R.; Turrini D.; Simonetti P.; Pacetti E.; Schisano E.; Fonte S.; Molinari S.; Ivanovski S.; Zusi M.

The James Webb Space Telescope is allowing the characterisation of planetary atmospheres with a level of detail that exceeds the resolution of current models. With the future launch of the ESA mission Ariel, interpreting the large anticipated volume of such detailed spectra will require a new generation of models and theoretical frameworks. To timely tackle this challenge, we developed and are continuously expanding the Arχes suite of simulation codes for astrochemistry and planet formation. In this talk we will present the PNRR Key Science Project OPAL whose goals are twofold: 1/ enhance the efficiency and HPC capabilities of the Arχes codes and simulation pipelines. 2/ produce an unprecedented library of detailed and physically-justified atmospheric models of planets to support the preparation of the Ariel mission. We will also present the most recent addition to the Arχes suite, the planetary GROwth and MIgration Track population synthesis code (GroMiT) and its applications in support of the GAPS project at TNG and JWST proposals.
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