Journal article Closed Access

Cultural differences in speed adaptation in human-robot interaction tasks

Fabio Vannucci; Alessandra Sciutti; Hagen Lehman; Giulio Sandini; Yukie Nagai; Francesco Rea

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  "DOI": "10.1515/pjbr-2019-0022", 
  "abstract": "AbstractIn social interactions, human movement is a rich source of information for all those who take part in the collaboration. In fact, a variety of intuitive messages are communicated through motion and continuously inform the partners about the future unfolding of the actions. A similar exchange of implicit information could support movement coordination in the context of Human-Robot Interaction. In this work, we investigate how implicit signaling in an interaction with a humanoid robot can lead to emergent coordination in the form of automatic speed adaptation. In particular, we assess whether different cultures \u2013 specifically Japanese and Italian \u2013 have a different impact on motor resonance and synchronization in HRI. Japanese people show a higher general acceptance toward robots when compared with Western cultures. Since acceptance, or better affiliation, is tightly connected to imitation and mimicry, we hypothesize a higher degree of speed imitation for Japanese participants when compared to Italians. In the experimental studies undertaken both in Japan and Italy, we observe that cultural differences do not impact on the natural predisposition of subjects to adapt to the robot.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Fabio Vannucci"
      "family": "Alessandra Sciutti"
      "family": "Hagen Lehman"
      "family": "Giulio Sandini"
      "family": "Yukie Nagai"
      "family": "Francesco Rea"
  "id": "52478", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "eng", 
  "note": "", 
  "title": "Cultural differences in speed adaptation in human-robot interaction tasks", 
  "type": "article-journal"
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