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Studio di un urto anelastico: una proposta per le Scuole Secondarie di II grado nell'ambito del progetto "Lab2Go"

Astone Pia; Balaudo Roberto; Casaburo Fausto; Cavanna Francesca; De Bonis Giulia; Faccini Riccardo; Fallara Davide; Grigoruta Andrei; Organtini Giovanni; Piacentini Francesco; Pennazio Francesco

When a free falling ping-pong ball collides on a horizontal surface, it loses kinetic energy. The ratio between the height reached by the ball after the collision and the initial height is called restitution coefficient. A method to measure it by using a home-made cathetometer was proposed during the Olimpiadi di Fisica 2018. In this paper we show how to measure it also by using the PhyPhox app and Arduino board

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