Preprint Open Access

First prototypes of two-tier avalanche pixel sensors for particle detection

Pancheri, L.; et al.

JSON Export

  "conceptdoi": "10.15161/", 
  "conceptrecid": "75855", 
  "created": "2022-05-18T10:46:39.774877+00:00", 
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        "name": "Pancheri, L."
        "name": "et al."
    "description": "<p>In this paper, we present the implementation and preliminary evaluation of a new type of silicon sensor for charged particle detection operated in Geiger-mode. The proposed device, formed by two vertically-aligned pixel arrays, exploits the coincidence between two simultaneous avalanche events to discriminate between particle-triggered detections and dark counts. A proof-of-concept two-layer sensor with per-pixel coincidence circuits was designed and fabricated in a 150 nm CMOS process and vertically integrated through bump bonding. The sensor includes a 48\u00d716 pixel array with 50 \u03bcm X 75 \u03bcm pixels. This work describes the sensor architecture and reports a selection of results from the characterization of the avalanche detectors in the two layers. Detectors with an active area of 43 X 45\u03bcm\u00b2 have a median dark count rate of 3 kHz at 3.3 V excess bias and a breakdown voltage non-uniformity lower than 20 mV.</p>", 
    "doi": "10.15161/", 
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    "publication_date": "2017-02-11", 
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    "resource_type": {
      "subtype": "preprint", 
      "title": "Preprint", 
      "type": "publication"
    "title": "First prototypes of two-tier avalanche pixel sensors for particle detection"
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  "updated": "2022-05-18T13:06:56.934277+00:00"
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Data volume 34.9 MB34.9 MB
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