Communities created and curated by INFN Open Access Repository users

ICSC Spoke 3 Repository

This community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by  Spoke 3 for Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

Curated by: dariog

ICSC Spoke 3 - WP1 and WP2 repository

This community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by the Working Package 1 and 2 of the Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

Curated by: sdellato

ICSC Spoke 3 - WP5 repository

This community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by  the Working Package 5: HPC Service and Access for the Spoke 3 of the Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

Curated by: dariog


Contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by INFN affiliated (staff, research associates, etc.)

Curated by: INFN

IRCCS San Camillo Hospital

Data repository

Curated by: pasantos

Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA)

This community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)

Curated by: marcopantaloni

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia

Contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by IZS Sicilia affiliated (staff, research associates, etc.)

Curated by: pietrolaplaca

Italian papers mirror

Archive/mirror of scholarly works by Italian or Italy-related authors, for preservation and discoverability purposes.

Curated by: pdoa


Nodo italiano dell'infrastruttura OPERAS (Open Scholarly Communication in the European Research Area for Social Sciences and Humanities)

Curated by:


PALMS (Physical Activity Lifelong Modelling & Simulation) is an agent-based micro-simulation that predicts the lifelong physical activity behavior of individuals of a population and its effect on their quality of life. The simulation can be used to...

Curated by: anabrunel

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