Journal article Open Access

ALTEA: Anomalous long term effects in astronauts. A probe on the influence of cosmic radiation and microgravity on the central nervous system during long flights

Roberto Battiston; Paola Romagnoli; A Loizzo; Mirko Boezio; Enrico Traversa; A. Popov; Christer Fuglesang; G. Mazzenga; G. Castellini; Enzo Reali; Walter G. Sannita; Gianluca Furano; Marco Casolino; S. Avdeev; N. Zampa; A. Khodarovich; Silvia Licoccia; Roberta Sparvoli; W. Bonvicini; V.P. Salnitskii; K.A. Trukhanov; A. Morselli; Livio Narici; N. Vavilov; O.I. Shevchenko; P. Picozza; P. Spillantini; A. M. Galper; A. Vacchi; V.P. Petrov; M. G. Korotkov; V. Bidoli; M. P. De Pascale; Per Carlson; Marco Ricci

The ALTEA project participates to the quest for increasing the safety of manned space flights. It addresses the problems related to possible functional damage to neural cells and circuits due to particle radiation in space environment. Specifically it aims at studying the functionality of the astronauts' Central Nervous Systems (CNS) during long space flights and relating it to the peculiar environments in space, with a particular focus on the particle flux impinging in the head. The project is a large international and multidisciplinary collaboration. Competences in particle physics, neurophysiology, psychophysiology, electronics, space environment, data analyses will work together to construct the fully integrated vision electrophysiology and particle analyser system which is the core device of the project: an helmet-shaped multi-sensor device that will measure concurrently the dynamics of the functional status of the visual system and passage of each particle through the brain within a pre-determined energy window. ALTEA is scheduled to fly in the International Space Station in late 2002. One part of the multi-sensor device, one of the advanced silicon telescopes, will be launched in the ISS in early 2002 and serve as test for the final device and as discriminating dosimeter for the particle fluences within the ISS.

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