Journal article Closed Access

Self-Organized Conductive Gratings of Au Nanostripe Dimers Enable Tunable Plasmonic Activity

Giordano, Maria Caterina; Barelli, Matteo; Della Valle, Giuseppe; Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco

Plasmonic metasurfaces based on quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nanostripe arrays are homogeneously prepared over large-area substrates (cm2), exploiting a novel self-organized nanofabrication method. Glass templates are nanopatterned by ion beam-induced anisotropic nanoscale wrinkling, enabling the maskless confinement of quasi-1D arrays of out-of-plane tilted gold nanostripes, behaving as transparent wire-grid polarizer nanoelectrodes. These templates enable the dichroic excitation of localized surface plasmon resonances, easily tunable over a broadband spectrum from the visible to the near- and mid-infrared, by tailoring the nanostripes' shape and/or changing the illumination conditions. The controlled self-organized method allows the engineering of the nanoantennas' morphology in the form of Au-SiO2-Au nanostripe dimers, which show hybridized plasmonic resonances with enhanced tunability. Under this condition, superior near-field amplification is achievable for the excitation of the hybridized magnetic dipole mode, as pointed out by numerical simulations. The high efficiency of these plasmonic nanoantennas, combined with the controlled tuning of the resonant response, opens a variety of applications for these cost-effective templates, ranging from biosensing and optical spectroscopies to high-resolution molecular imaging and nonlinear optics.

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