Journal article Open Access

resveratrol treatment reduces the vulnerability of sh sy5y cells and cortical neurons overexpressing sod1 g93a to thimerosal toxicity through sirt1 dream pdyn pathway

Giusy Laudati; Luigi Mascolo; Natascia Guida; Rossana Sirabella; Vincenzo Pizzorusso; Sara Bruzzaniti; Angelo Serani; Gianfranco Di Renzo; Lorella M.T. Canzoniero; Luigi Formisano

Abstract In humans, mutation of glycine 93 to alanine of Cu++/Zn++ superoxide dismutase type-1 (SOD1-G93 A) has been associated to some familial cases of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Several evidence proposed the involvement of environmental pollutants that like mercury could accelerate ALS symptoms. SH-SY5Y cells stably transfected with SOD1 and G93 A mutant of SOD1 constructs were exposed to non-toxic concentrations (0.01 μM) of ethylmercury thiosalicylate (thimerosal) for 24 h. Interestingly, we found that thimerosal, in SOD1-G93 A cells, but not in SOD1 cells, reduced cell survival. Furthermore, thimerosal-induced cell death occurred in a concentration dependent-manner and was prevented by the Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activator Resveratrol (RSV). Moreover, thimerosal decreased the protein expression of transcription factor Downstream Regulatory Element Antagonist Modulator (DREAM), but not DREAM gene. Interestingly, DREAM reduction was blocked by co-treatment with RSV, suggesting the participation of SIRT1 in determining this effect. Immunoprecipitation experiments in SOD1-G93 A cells exposed to thimerosal demonstrated that RSV increased DREAM deacetylation and reduced its polyubiquitination. In addition, RSV counteracted thimerosal-enhanced prodynorphin (PDYN) mRNA, a DREAM target gene. Furthermore, cortical neurons transiently transfected with SOD1-G93 A construct and exposed to thimerosal (0.5 μM/24 h) showed a reduction of DREAM and an up-regulation of the prodynorphin gene. Importantly, both the treatment with RSV or the transfection of siRNA against prodynorphin significantly reduced thimerosal-induced neurotoxicity, while DREAM knocking-down potentiated thimerosal-reduced cell survival. These results demonstrate the particular vulnerability of SOD1-G93 A neuronal cells to thimerosal and that RSV via SIRT1 counteracts the neurodetrimental effect of this toxicant by preventing DREAM reduction and prodynorphin up-regulation.

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