Journal article Closed Access
Peng Chen; Louis Ponet; Keji Lai; Roberto Cingolani; Sergey Artyukhin
Abstract Ferroelectric domain walls (DWs) are nanoscale topological defects that can be easily tailored to create nanoscale devices. Their excitations, recently discovered to be responsible for GHz DW conductivity, hold promise for faster signal transmission and processing compared to the existing technology. Here we find that DW phonons have unprecedented dispersion going from GHz all the way to THz frequencies, and resulting in a surprisingly broad GHz signature in DW conductivity. Puzzling activation of nominally forbidden DW sliding modes in BiFeO3 is traced back to DW tilting and resulting asymmetry in wall-localized phonons. The obtained phonon spectra and selection rules are used to simulate scanning impedance microscopy, emerging as a powerful probe in nanophononics. The results will guide the experimental discovery of the predicted phonon branches and design of DW-based nanodevices operating in the technologically important frequency range.
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