Journal article Open Access

An Elegant Four-Helical Fold in NOX and STEAP Enzymes Facilitates Electron Transport across Biomembranes-Similar Vehicle, Different Destination.

Andrea Mattevi; Wout Oosterheert; Piet Gros; Joana Reis

The ferric reductase superfamily comprises several oxidoreductases that use an intracellular electron source to reduce an extracellular acceptor substrate. NADPH oxidases (NOXs) and six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate enzymes (STEAPs) are iconic members of the superfamily. NOXs produce extracellular reactive oxygen species that exert potent bactericidal activities and trigger redox-signaling cascades that regulate cell division and differentiation. STEAPs catalyze the reduction of extracellular iron and copper which is necessary for the bioavailability of these essential elements. Both NOXs and STEAPs are present as multiple isozymes with distinct regulatory properties and physiological roles. Despite the important roles of NOXs and STEAPs in human physiology and despite their wide involvement in diseases like cancer, their mode of action at the molecular level remained incompletely understood for a long time, in part due to the absence of high-resolution models of the complete enzymes. Our two laboratories have elucidated the three-dimensional structures of NOXs and STEAPs, providing key insight into their mechanisms and evolution. The enzymes share a conserved transmembrane helical domain with an eye-catching hourglass shape. On the extracellular side, a heme prosthetic group is at the bottom of a pocket where the substrate (O

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