Journal article Open Access

A systems theory approach to describe dynamic coupling at the cell-electrode interface

Anna Mariano; Ugo Bruno; Francesca Santoro

The optimization of the cell–chip coupling is one of the major challenges in bioelectronics. The cell–electrode interface is typically represented by an equivalent electrical circuit that can simulate the electrical behavior of neuronal cells coupled to microelectrodes. However, these circuital models do not take into account the highly dynamic mechanical behavior of cells. In fact, cells constantly remodel their cytoskeleton to preserve or adapt their shape to external mechanical cues. Hereby, we present a mathematical model along with a systems theory approach to numerical simulations, in order to study and predict cell–electrode interface dynamics over time. Both planar and pseudo-3D electrode designs have been considered, and their effect on the cell coupling for extracellular recordings has been investigated. In turn, this dynamic model can be exploited to provide fundamental parameters for future design of microelectrode arrays.

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