Journal article Open Access

Use of intensive rearing systems as back‐up for coastal lagoon aquaculture: an experience with eels, Anguilla anguilla L., in the Comacchio lagoons

R. Rossi; M. Lucchini; M. G. Rizzo; A. Carrieri

JSON Export

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  "created": "2023-09-26T02:00:18.099519+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1111/j.1365-2109.1988.tb00585.x", 
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        "name": "R. Rossi"
        "name": "M. Lucchini"
        "name": "M. G. Rizzo"
        "name": "A. Carrieri"
    "description": ". The possibility of using eels from intensive rearing ponds to restock natural basins has been investigated by comparing growth, survival and rate of yellow-to-silver metamorphosis of 'wild type' eels and of eels from an intensive rearing pond. A total of 2243 marked eels were released into a closed natural environment of 22ha; 1254 were wild type (average length 45\u00b76 \u00b1 9\u00b70cm), and 989 from an intensive rearing pond, split by a mechanical grader in two groups. The first group was made of 617 well-growing eels (44\u00b79 \u00b1 3\u00b70cm), the second one of 372 smaller eels (36\u00b79 \u00b1 4\u00b73cm) which had not adapted to the artificial conditions.        The starting size being equal the animals grew to the same extent; in some cases the animals previously adapted to the artificial pond grew better than the wild type. The rate of metamorphosis from yellow to silver eel was 28\u00b74% for the wild type eels and 22% for the others, although the latter became mostly silver males. Survival of the wild type eels (starting with the 35-cm size class and covering the period from April to December) was calculated by mark-recapture at approximately 98\u00b76%. For the eels previously well adapted to the intensive rearing pond it was only 85%, indicating some difficulty in competing in the natural environment. The good growth shown by the smaller eels, with a survival of about 90%, would seem to indicate that these animals might be effectively used for restocking purposes, thus favouring an integration between the intensive ponds and the extensive environments.", 
    "doi": "10.1111/j.1365-2109.1988.tb00585.x", 
    "keywords": [
      "Aquatic Science"
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    "publication_date": "1988-10-01", 
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      "title": "Journal article", 
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    "title": "Use of intensive rearing systems as back\u2010up for coastal lagoon aquaculture: an experience with eels, Anguilla anguilla L., in the Comacchio lagoons"
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  "updated": "2023-09-26T02:00:18.180122+00:00"
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