Journal article Open Access

Influence of geometrical boundary conditions on the estimation of rheological parameters

Frédérique Rémy; C. Bianchi; Ignazio E. Tabacco; Laurent Testut

JSON Export

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  "created": "2023-09-27T14:46:00.786029+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.3189/172756400781820877", 
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        "name": "Fr\u00e9d\u00e9rique R\u00e9my"
        "name": "C. Bianchi"
        "name": "Ignazio E. Tabacco"
        "name": "Laurent Testut"
    "description": "AbstractImproved knowledge of geometrical boundary conditions, such as bedrock geometry and surface topography, can contribute significantly to glaciological studies including ice-sheet-flow modelling. Precise thickness and altimetric data allow an estimation of ice-flow direction, the balance velocity and the basal shear stress. These parameters are calculated along a 1160 km profile in East Antarctica using a relationship between shear stress, basal temperature, the Glen flow exponent and a parameter related to strain rate. Strong variations of the flow-law parameters and basal conditions are found to play a major role in the ice-flow pattern. Sliding, anisotropy and longitudinal stress strongly perturb the validity of the law, but their signature can be identified.", 
    "doi": "10.3189/172756400781820877", 
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    "title": "Influence of geometrical boundary conditions on the estimation of rheological parameters"
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  "updated": "2023-09-27T14:46:00.897324+00:00"
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