Journal article Open Access

Aluminium and iron record for the last 28 kyr derived from the Antarctic EDC96 ice core using new CFA methods

Lorenzo Magaldi; I. Fattori; Carlo Barbante; Rita Traversi; Roberto Udisti; O. Largiuni; Vania Gaspari

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Lorenzo Magaldi and
                  I. Fattori and
                  Carlo Barbante and
                  Rita Traversi and
                  Roberto Udisti and
                  O. Largiuni and
                  Vania Gaspari},
  title        = {{Aluminium and iron record for the last 28 kyr 
                   derived from the Antarctic EDC96 ice core using
                   new CFA methods}},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2004,
  doi          = {10.3189/172756404781814438},
  url          = {}
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