Journal article Open Access

Chemical characterisation of a volcanic event (about AD 1500) at Styx Glacier plateau, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

Giovanni Piccardi; Roberto Udisti; Gabriele Capodaglio; Rita Traversi; Carlo Barbante; S. Vermigli; Emiliano Castellano

JSON Export

  "conceptrecid": "121982", 
  "created": "2023-09-27T14:51:43.508596+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.3189/172756499781821265", 
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    "creators": [
        "name": "Giovanni Piccardi"
        "name": "Roberto Udisti"
        "name": "Gabriele Capodaglio"
        "name": "Rita Traversi"
        "name": "Carlo Barbante"
        "name": "S. Vermigli"
        "name": "Emiliano Castellano"
    "description": "AbstractA dark layer (\u223c1 cm thick, 93.41 m deep) was identified in an ice core (116 m deep, covering the period -1350-1995) drilled at Styx Glacier plateau, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. The ice-core section was dated around AD 1500 \u00b1 20 by a firn-densification model. A chemical characterisation was performed on ten subsamples (resolution 3 cm) located around the dark layer by ion chromatography. The concentration/depth profiles of anions (Cl-, Br-, NC3-, H2PO4-, SO42-), cations (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg*+, Ga2^) and some organic anions (acetate, formate, propionate and methanesulphonate (MSA)) indicate very high concentration peaks for all the components. However, non-sea-salt sulphate (nssSo/-) and F- show the greatest increase with respect to background values (370 and 860 times, respectively). A crustal contribution is attributed to Ga2+ and MSA. The profiles of gas-phase emitted substances (HF, HBr, HNOs and carboxylic acid) suggest gas emission just before the volcanic eruption. Chloride depletion is evident in the dark layer with respect to Na+/Cl- sea-water ratio. At present, it is not possible to attribute an unambiguous source to the volcanic event, but several pieces of evidence lead us to believe that this may be a time-limited local event.", 
    "doi": "10.3189/172756499781821265", 
    "keywords": [
      "EUTOPIA Alliance", 
      "NEANIAS Atmospheric Research Community", 
      "Earth-Surface Processes"
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    "publication_date": "1999-01-01", 
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      "title": "Journal article", 
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    "title": "Chemical characterisation of a volcanic event (about AD 1500) at Styx Glacier plateau, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica"
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  "updated": "2023-09-27T14:51:43.602063+00:00"
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