Other Open Access

AI, Neuroscience and Aging

Augusto Marcelli; Joana B. Pereira; Giovanni Volpe

Dublin Core Export

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  <dc:creator>Augusto Marcelli</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Joana B. Pereira</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Giovanni Volpe</dc:creator>
  <dc:description>The booklet collects the contribution of the bilateral workshop on Artificial Intelligence applied to neurosciences: applications of new technologies in Italy and Sweden

Co-organized by the Scientific Office of the Embassy of Italy, the Karolinksa Institute and the University of Gothenburg, the ”AI, Neuroscience and Aging Symposium” was held in Stockholm on 27 and 28 November 2023.

The aim of this symposium was to bring together Swedish and Italian researchers engaged in neuroscience research, encouraging a dynamic exchange of pioneering ideas thanks to new technologies based on the use of artificial intelligence and to promote interdisciplinary bilateral collaboration.

The objective was to explore new opportunities to leverage artificial intelligence to deepen our understanding of neural mechanisms, while trying to explore new applications in cognitive functions and healthcare.

The event provided an opportunity to create a lasting partnership and identify possibilities for competitive joint research initiatives to improve the understanding of intelligence, both human and artificial.

The work of this bilateral meeting was coordinated by Augusto Marcelli, scientific attaché in Stockholm, JoanaB.  Pereira, associate professor of the Karolinska Institute, and Giovanni Volpe, professor at the University of Gothenburg. 

The public event hosted at the Karolinska Institute.was attended by 200 researchers and students. There were contributions from Swedish and Italian Universities as well as two swedish companies: Sectra and Mabel AI.</dc:description>
  <dc:relation>gnd:gnd:2022-01108 Swedish Research Council</dc:relation>
  <dc:subject>Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, Aging</dc:subject>
  <dc:title>AI, Neuroscience and Aging</dc:title>
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