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Atmoshperic Neutrino Oscillation Results with MACRO at Gran Sasso Laboraratory

M. Spinelli

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  "DOI": "10.15161/", 
  "abstract": "We present updated results of the measurement of the atmospheric neutrino flux with the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso, using three data sets spread in a large energy range. In the high energy range, the upgoing throughgoing muon data set is in favor of \u03bd\u03bc \u2192\u03bd\u03c4  oscillation hypothesis with a probability of 36.6% against the 0.36% for the no oscillation hypothesis.In the low energy range, the two data set are also in favor to the oscillation hypothesis showing a large defict for IU events and a reduced defict for US+ID events, since only the US events ( |50% ) are expected to oscillate Assuming a \u03bd\u03bc \u2192\u03bd\u03c4  oscillation scheme, the results suggest a large range of the parameter values centered around Dm2=0.0025 eV2, sin2 2q = 1.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "M. Spinelli", 
      "given": ""
  "id": "17982", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "eng", 
  "note": "Presented at the VIII Internationl Workshp on Neutrino Telescopes 23-26 February, 1999, Campo S. Stefano, Venice (Italy)", 
  "title": "Atmoshperic Neutrino Oscillation Results  with  MACRO at Gran Sasso Laboraratory", 
  "type": "chapter"
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