Journal article Open Access

Decadal climate predictions with a coupled OAGCM initialized with oceanic reanalyses

Bellucci, A.; Gualdi, S.; Masina, S.; Storto, A.; Scoccimarro, E.; Cagnazzo, C.; Fogli, P.; Manzini, E.; Navarra, A.

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  author       = {Bellucci, A. and
                  Gualdi, S. and
                  Masina, S. and
                  Storto, A. and
                  Scoccimarro, E. and
                  Cagnazzo, C. and
                  Fogli, P. and
                  Manzini, E. and
                  Navarra, A.},
  title        = {{Decadal climate predictions with a coupled OAGCM 
                   initialized with oceanic reanalyses}},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2013,
  note         = {{Funded by the European Union. Part of the European 
                   Commission FP7 Open Access pilot.}},
  doi          = {10.1007/s00382-012-1313-4},
  url          = {}
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