Journal article Open Access

Stochastic gradient boosting classification trees for forest fuel types mapping through airborne laser scanning and IRS LISS-III imagery

Chirici, Gherardo; Scotti, Roberto; Montaghi, Alessandro; Barbati, Anna; Cartisano, Rosaria; Lopez, Giovanni; Marchetti, Marco; McRoberts, Ronald; Olsson, Hakan; Corona, Piermaria

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  author       = {Chirici, Gherardo and
                  Scotti, Roberto and
                  Montaghi, Alessandro and
                  Barbati, Anna and
                  Cartisano, Rosaria and
                  Lopez, Giovanni and
                  Marchetti, Marco and
                  McRoberts, Ronald and
                  Olsson, Hakan and
                  Corona, Piermaria},
  title        = {{Stochastic gradient boosting classification trees 
                   for forest fuel types mapping through airborne
                   laser scanning and IRS LISS-III imagery}},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2013,
  note         = {{Funded by the European Union. Part of the European 
                   Commission FP7 Open Access pilot.}},
  doi          = {10.1016/j.jag.2013.04.006},
  url          = {}
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