Journal article Open Access
Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Andersen, Zorana J.; Beelen, Rob; Samoli, Evangelia; Stafoggia, Massimo; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Hoffmann, Barbara; Fischer, Poul; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.; Brunekreef, Bert; Xun, Wei W.; Katsouyanni, Klea; Dimakopoulou, Konstantina; Sommer, Johan; Forsberg, Bertil; Modig, Lars; Oudin, Anna; Oftedal, Bente; Schwarze, Per E.; Nafstad, Per; De Faire, Ulf; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Östenson, Claes-Gören; Fratiglioni, Laura; Penell, Johanna; Korek, Michal; Pershagen, Gören; Eriksen, Kirsten T.; Sørensen, Mette; Tjønneland, Anna; Ellermann, Thomas; Eeftens, Marloes; Peeters, Petra H.; Meliefste, Kees; Wang, Meng; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Key, Timothy J.; de Hoegh, Kees; Concin, Hans; Nagel, Gabriele; Vilier, Alice; Grioni, Sara; Krogh, Vittorio; Tsai, Ming-Yi; Ricceri, Fulvio; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Galassi, Claudia; Migliore, Enrica; Ranzi, Andrea; Cesaroni, Giulia; Badaloni, Chiara; Forastiere, Francesco; Tamayo, Ibon; Amiano, Pilar; Dorronsoro, Miran; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Bamia, Christina; Vineis, Paolo; Hoek, Gerard
{ "conceptrecid": "23399", "created": "2019-04-17T19:30:10.338956+00:00", "doi": "10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70279-1", "files": [ { "bucket": "a7e80a54-f3ce-4509-af47-d5318a704573", "checksum": "md5:73a80946b8de13a369b241c8ba660121", "key": "fulltext.pdf", "links": { "self": "" }, "size": 755619, "type": "pdf" } ], "id": 23400, "links": { "badge": "", "bucket": "", "doi": "", "html": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "" }, "metadata": { "access_right": "open", "access_right_category": "success", "creators": [ { "name": "Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole" }, { "name": "Andersen, Zorana J." }, { "name": "Beelen, Rob" }, { "name": "Samoli, Evangelia" }, { "name": "Stafoggia, Massimo" }, { "name": "Weinmayr, Gudrun" }, { "name": "Hoffmann, Barbara" }, { "name": "Fischer, Poul" }, { "name": "Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J." }, { "name": "Brunekreef, Bert" }, { "name": "Xun, Wei W." }, { "name": "Katsouyanni, Klea" }, { "name": "Dimakopoulou, Konstantina" }, { "name": "Sommer, Johan" }, { "name": "Forsberg, Bertil" }, { "name": "Modig, Lars" }, { "name": "Oudin, Anna" }, { "name": "Oftedal, Bente" }, { "name": "Schwarze, Per E." }, { "name": "Nafstad, Per" }, { "name": "De Faire, Ulf" }, { "name": "Pedersen, Nancy L." }, { "name": "\u00d6stenson, Claes-G\u00f6ren" }, { "name": "Fratiglioni, Laura" }, { "name": "Penell, Johanna" }, { "name": "Korek, Michal" }, { "name": "Pershagen, G\u00f6ren" }, { "name": "Eriksen, Kirsten T." }, { "name": "S\u00f8rensen, Mette" }, { "name": "Tj\u00f8nneland, Anna" }, { "name": "Ellermann, Thomas" }, { "name": "Eeftens, Marloes" }, { "name": "Peeters, Petra H." }, { "name": "Meliefste, Kees" }, { "name": "Wang, Meng" }, { "name": "Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas" }, { "name": "Key, Timothy J." }, { "name": "de Hoegh, Kees" }, { "name": "Concin, Hans" }, { "name": "Nagel, Gabriele" }, { "name": "Vilier, Alice" }, { "name": "Grioni, Sara" }, { "name": "Krogh, Vittorio" }, { "name": "Tsai, Ming-Yi" }, { "name": "Ricceri, Fulvio" }, { "name": "Sacerdote, Carlotta" }, { "name": "Galassi, Claudia" }, { "name": "Migliore, Enrica" }, { "name": "Ranzi, Andrea" }, { "name": "Cesaroni, Giulia" }, { "name": "Badaloni, Chiara" }, { "name": "Forastiere, Francesco" }, { "name": "Tamayo, Ibon" }, { "name": "Amiano, Pilar" }, { "name": "Dorronsoro, Miran" }, { "name": "Trichopoulou, Antonia" }, { "name": "Bamia, Christina" }, { "name": "Vineis, Paolo" }, { "name": "Hoek, Gerard" } ], "description": "n/a", "doi": "10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70279-1", "keywords": [ "FP7", "Environment (including Climate Change)", "European Commission", "EC", "SP1-Cooperation" ], "language": "eng", "license": { "id": "notspecified" }, "notes": "Funded by the European Union. Part of the European Commission FP7 Open Access pilot.", "publication_date": "2013-07-10", "relations": { "version": [ { "count": 1, "index": 0, "is_last": true, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "23400" }, "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "23399" } } ] }, "resource_type": { "subtype": "article", "title": "Journal article", "type": "publication" }, "title": "Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in 17 European cohorts: prospective analyses from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)" }, "owners": [ 14 ], "revision": 1, "stats": { "downloads": 1289.0, "unique_downloads": 1231.0, "unique_views": 341.0, "version_downloads": 1289.0, "version_unique_downloads": 1231.0, "version_unique_views": 341.0, "version_views": 355.0, "version_volume": 973992891.0, "views": 355.0, "volume": 973992891.0 }, "updated": "2019-04-17T19:30:10.419459+00:00" }
Views | 355 |
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Data volume | 974.0 MB |
Unique views | 341 |
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