Presentation Open Access
Bianco, Stefano; Barbera, Roberto; Maggi, Marcello; Menasce, Dario; Patrizii, Laura
{ "DOI": "10.15161/", "abstract": "<p>A report on Plan S and the cOAlition S collaboration, with particular focus on the role of repositories and green OA.</p>", "author": [ { "family": "Bianco, Stefano" }, { "family": "Barbera, Roberto" }, { "family": "Maggi, Marcello" }, { "family": "Menasce, Dario" }, { "family": "Patrizii, Laura" } ], "id": "30450", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2020, 6, 23 ] ] }, "language": "eng", "note": "Talk delivered by S.Bianco at SEBD2020, Villasimius (Cagliari), Italy, 2020.06.22", "title": "Plan S - FAQ's", "type": "speech" }
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