Journal article Open Access

Search for a remnant violation of the Pauli exclusion principle in a Roman lead target

Piscicchia, Kristian; Milotti, Edoardo; Amirkhani, Aidin; Bartalucci, Sergio; Bartolucci, Sergio; Bazzi, Massimiliano; Bragadireanu, Mario; Cargnelli, Michael; Clozza, Alberto; Del Grande, Raffaele; De Paolis, Luca; Egger, Jean-Pierre; Fiorini, Carlo; Guaraldo, Carlo; Iliescu, Mihail; Laubenstein, Matthias; Marton, Johann; Miliucci, Marco; Pichler, Andreas; Pietreanu, Dorel; Scordo, Alessandro; Shi, Hexi; Sirghi, Diana Laura; Sirghi, Florin; Sperandio, Laura; Vazquez Doce, Oton; Zmeskal, Johann; Curceanu, Catalina

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "DOI": "10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8040-5", 
  "abstract": "<p>In this paper we report on the results of two analyses of the data taken with a dedicated VIP-Lead experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the INFN. We use measurements taken in an environment that is especially well screened from cosmic rays, with a metal target made of &ldquo;Roman lead&rdquo; which is characterised by a low level of intrinsic radioactivity. The analyses lead to an improvement, on the upper bounds of the Pauli Exclusion Principle violation for electrons, which is more than one (four) orders of magnitude, when the electron-atom interactions are described in terms of scatterings (or close encounters) respectively.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Piscicchia, Kristian"
      "family": "Milotti, Edoardo"
      "family": "Amirkhani, Aidin"
      "family": "Bartalucci, Sergio"
      "family": "Bartolucci, Sergio"
      "family": "Bazzi, Massimiliano"
      "family": "Bragadireanu, Mario"
      "family": "Cargnelli, Michael"
      "family": "Clozza, Alberto"
      "family": "Del Grande, Raffaele"
      "family": "De Paolis, Luca"
      "family": "Egger, Jean-Pierre"
      "family": "Fiorini, Carlo"
      "family": "Guaraldo, Carlo"
      "family": "Iliescu, Mihail"
      "family": "Laubenstein, Matthias"
      "family": "Marton, Johann"
      "family": "Miliucci, Marco"
      "family": "Pichler, Andreas"
      "family": "Pietreanu, Dorel"
      "family": "Scordo, Alessandro"
      "family": "Shi, Hexi"
      "family": "Sirghi, Diana Laura"
      "family": "Sirghi, Florin"
      "family": "Sperandio, Laura"
      "family": "Vazquez Doce, Oton"
      "family": "Zmeskal, Johann"
      "family": "Curceanu, Catalina"
  "id": "30680", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "eng", 
  "title": "Search for a remnant violation of the Pauli exclusion principle in a Roman lead target", 
  "type": "article-journal"
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