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Plot Open Access

CovidStat project summary plots

Lista, Luca; Menasce, Dario; Mezzetto, Mauro; Pedrini, Daniele; Spighi, Roberto

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "DOI": "10.15161/", 
  "abstract": "<p>This record contains the daily update summary plots of the data of the CovidStat project. CovidStat is a project carried out by the CovidStat Working Group at INFN, whose creation was promoted within the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics with the aim of making a statistical analysis of the data provided daily by the Civil Protection on the spread of the pandemic in Italy. CovidStat data can interactively be browsed at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Lista, Luca"
      "family": "Menasce, Dario"
      "family": "Mezzetto, Mauro"
      "family": "Pedrini, Daniele"
      "family": "Spighi, Roberto"
  "id": "30716", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "note": "To reproduce the plots, please refer to the correct version of the dataset and analysis software indicated in the related identifiers listed below.", 
  "title": "CovidStat project summary plots", 
  "type": "figure"
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