Journal article Open Access

Education, training and mobility: towards a common effort to assure a future workforce in Europe and abroad

Walter Ambrosini; Rosa Lo Frano; Leon Cizelj; Pedro Dieguez-Porras; Egidijus Urbonavicius; Iskren Cvetkov; Daniela Diaconu; Jan Leen Kloosterman; Rudy J.M. Konings

JSON Export

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  "created": "2020-09-26T23:29:25.296216+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1051/epjn/2019018", 
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    "creators": [
        "name": "Walter Ambrosini"
        "name": "Rosa Lo Frano"
        "name": "Leon Cizelj"
        "name": "Pedro Dieguez-Porras"
        "name": "Egidijus Urbonavicius"
        "name": "Iskren Cvetkov"
        "name": "Daniela Diaconu"
        "name": "Jan Leen Kloosterman"
        "name": "Rudy J.M. Konings"
    "description": "The paper highlights the main features of some Euratom projects, which have been running recently in support to education, training and mobility in the nuclear fields. The described projects address various critical aspects of nuclear knowledge management, aiming at maintaining the wealth of nuclear expertise in Europe in an environment characterised by decreased attractiveness of nuclear careers. In an effort to broaden the cooperation and to further extend the opportunities for mobility, some projects ran in parallel with similar initiatives undertaken beyond the European borders. The lesson learnt in terms of successes achieved and critical aspects revealed by the different actions are finally discussed also considering recent recommendations and assessed scenarios by the European Commission for the decarbonisation of the energy sector.", 
    "doi": "10.1051/epjn/2019018", 
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    "publication_date": "2020-01-01", 
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    "title": "Education, training and mobility: towards a common effort to assure a future workforce in Europe and abroad"
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  "updated": "2020-09-26T23:29:25.389074+00:00"
Views 22
Downloads 40
Data volume 155.3 MB
Unique views 21
Unique downloads 40


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