Journal article Closed Access

Captive-air-bubble aerophobicity measurements of antibiofouling coatings for underwater MEMS devices:

Mariello, Massimo; Guido, Francesco; Mastronardi, Vincenzo Mariano; De Donato, Francesco; Salbini, Maria; Brunetti, Virgilio; Qualtieri, Antonio; Rizzi, Francesco; De Vittorio, Massimo

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "DOI": "10.1177/1847980419862075", 
  "abstract": "In this article, we report the measurement of underwater aerophobicity, through the captive-bubble method, for different polymeric coatings employed to protect microscale and nanoscale flexible electronic devices for seawater applications. Controlling the morphology and wettability of the coating, in particular with the incorporation of nanoparticles of fluorinated polymers, allows to adjust the hydrophilic/hydrophobic (aerophobic/aerophilic) character of the surface in order to achieve a more insulating and antibiofouling behavior. Morphological analysis (roughness) and wettability measurements in sessile-drop and captive-bubble methods were provided for some properly selected polymeric coatings. We found that parylene C decorated with poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanoparticles at a higher dispersion concentration (5 mg/mL) exhibits the best compromise between morphology, hydrophobicity, and underwater aerophobicity, with sessile-drop water contact angle of 95.1 \u00b1 2.9\u00b0 and captive-air-bubble contact angle of 133.1 \u00b1 5.9\u00b0.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Mariello, Massimo"
      "family": "Guido, Francesco"
      "family": "Mastronardi, Vincenzo Mariano"
      "family": "De Donato, Francesco"
      "family": "Salbini, Maria"
      "family": "Brunetti, Virgilio"
      "family": "Qualtieri, Antonio"
      "family": "Rizzi, Francesco"
      "family": "De Vittorio, Massimo"
  "id": "50236", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "eng", 
  "note": "", 
  "title": "Captive-air-bubble aerophobicity measurements of antibiofouling coatings for underwater MEMS devices:", 
  "type": "article-journal"
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