Journal article Open Access

Spatial distribution of biogenic sulphur compounds (MSA, nssSO4 2- ) in the northern Victoria Land-Dome C-Wilkes Land area, East Antarctica

Silvia Becagli; Marco Proposito; Silvia Benassai; Roberto Gragnani; Olivier Magand; Rita Traversi; Roberto Udisti

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  author       = {Silvia Becagli and
                  Marco Proposito and
                  Silvia Benassai and
                  Roberto Gragnani and
                  Olivier Magand and
                  Rita Traversi and
                  Roberto Udisti},
  title        = {{Spatial distribution of biogenic sulphur compounds 
                   (MSA, nssSO4 2- ) in the northern Victoria Land-
                   Dome C-Wilkes Land area, East Antarctica}},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2005,
  doi          = {10.3189/172756405781813384},
  url          = {}
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