Journal article Open Access

Notes on the brain and encephalization quotient of two sperm whales with a synthesis of the literature and indications of a new method of extraction

Michele Povinelli; Mattia Panin; Sandro Mazzariol; Maristella Giurisato; Cristina Ballarin; Giulia Roncon; Michela Podestà; Massimo Demma; Bruno Cozzi

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Michele Povinelli and
                  Mattia Panin and
                  Sandro Mazzariol and
                  Maristella Giurisato and
                  Cristina Ballarin and
                  Giulia Roncon and
                  Michela Podestà and
                  Massimo Demma and
                  Bruno Cozzi},
  title        = {{Notes on the brain and encephalization quotient of 
                   two sperm whales with a synthesis of the
                   literature and indications of a new method of
  month        = nov,
  year         = 2014,
  doi          = {10.4081/nhs.2014.202},
  url          = {}
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