Journal article Open Access

Analysis of microseismic signals and temperature recordings for rock slope stability investigations in high mountain areas

Occhiena, C.; Coviello, V.; Arattano, M.; Chiarle, M.; Morra di Cella, U.; Pirulli, M.; Pogliotti, P.; Scavia, C.

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Occhiena, C. and
                  Coviello, V. and
                  Arattano, M. and
                  Chiarle, M. and
                  Morra di Cella, U. and
                  Pirulli, M. and
                  Pogliotti, P. and
                  Scavia, C.},
  title        = {{Analysis of microseismic signals and temperature 
                   recordings for rock slope stability investigations
                   in high mountain areas}},
  month        = jul,
  year         = 2012,
  doi          = {10.5194/nhess-12-2283-2012},
  url          = {}
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