Journal article Open Access

discourses practices and performances in sami museology at tromso university museum

Rossella Ragazzi; Giacomo Nerici

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  "DOI": "10.5617/nm.7742", 
  "abstract": "This article focuses on the set up, reception, and social scientific discursive fields that have informed two exhibitions about S\u00e1mi culture curated over time by Troms\u00f8 University Museum. They were curated in two different periods in the recent history of the Sami (end of 1990s and 2013\u201315). In our anthropologicallyinformed analysis we take a second look at the way in which researchers and curators have constructed, performed, and narrated certain aspects of S\u00e1mi material and immaterial heritage, in times of change and political awareness. The recent exhibitions have contributed to articulate essential issues concerning ethnic identity and cultural belonging in conversation with or critique towards the previous representation of S\u00e1mi ethnography at the museum, especially the renown S\u00e1mekulturen curated by \u00d8rnulf Vorren. How did these exhibitions handle the representations in which S\u00e1mi people would mirror their history, identity and aesthetics? How did they speak on behalf of the S\u00e1mi but also in conversation with the S\u00e1mi? How were these presentations interpreted over time in a changing museological practice?
  "author": [
      "family": "Rossella Ragazzi"
      "family": "Giacomo Nerici"
  "id": "70798", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "und", 
  "note": "", 
  "title": "discourses practices and performances in sami museology at tromso university museum", 
  "type": "article-journal"
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