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Presentation Open Access

Infectious disease modelling and the dynamics of the active cases - Presentation

Mauro E. Dinardo

JSON Export

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  "created": "2020-10-31T14:54:28.744509+00:00", 
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        "affiliation": "Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Milano Bicocca and INFN", 
        "name": "Mauro E. Dinardo", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-8575-7250"
    "description": "<p>We developed a model that tries&nbsp;to describe the dynamics of the spread of a disease among a population, in particular&nbsp;the progress of infected active cases. The model is then&nbsp;applied to describe Italy CoViD-19 outbreak&nbsp;and subsequently, we tried to predict possible scenarios.</p>", 
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    "title": "Infectious disease modelling and the dynamics of the active cases - Presentation"
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  "updated": "2021-12-20T10:39:41.474169+00:00"
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