Conference paper Open Access

Laser comb: simulations of pre-modulated e- beams at the photocathode of a high brightness rf photoinjector

Boscolo, Manuela

JSON Export

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        "affiliation": "INFN-LNF", 
        "name": "Boscolo, Manuela", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-1997-6041"
    "description": "<p>A density modulated electron beam generated at the photocathode of a radio-frequency electron gun evolves within an accelerator towards a homogenous beam but with an energy modulation. The density modulation is changed into energy modulation. This energy distribution can be exploited to restore the initial density profile, called&nbsp;comb beam, with a proper rf phase of the accelerating cavities and by adding a proper compressor. The comb beam at the cathode is generated driving the photocathode by the relative laser pulse train. This laser pulse is obtained with a shaping device inserted into the laser system. The dynamics is studied within the SPARC system with the PARMELA code.</p>", 
    "doi": "10.15161/", 
    "keywords": [
      "electron pulse trains, laser photoemission, rf gun, space-charge, rf compressor"
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      "acronym": "EPAC 06", 
      "place": "Edimburgh, Scotland", 
      "title": "10th European Accelerator Particle Conference", 
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    "notes": "Conf.Proc.C 060626 (2006) 98-100", 
    "publication_date": "2006-08-01", 
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    "title": "Laser comb: simulations of pre-modulated e- beams at the photocathode of a high brightness rf photoinjector"
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  "updated": "2021-08-03T07:03:14.532099+00:00"
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