Preprint Open Access

Broadband Microwave Attenuator Based on Few Layer Graphene Flakes

Pierantoni, Luca; et al.

This paper presents the design and fabrication of a broadband microstrip attenuator, operating at 1-20 GHz, based on few layer graphene flakes. The RF performance of the attenuator has been analyzed in depth. In particular, the use of graphene as a variable resistor is discussed and experimentally characterized at microwave frequencies. The structure of the graphene-based attenuator integrates a micrometric layer of graphene flakes deposited on an air gap in a microstrip line. As highlighted in the experiments, the graphene film can range from being a discrete conductor to a highly resistive material, depending on the externally applied voltage. As experimental evidence, it is verified that the application of a proper voltage through two bias tees changes the surface resistivity of graphene, and induces a significant change of insertion loss of the microstrip attenuator.

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