Journal article Open Access

Optimization of the wetting-drying characteristics of hydrophobic metal organic frameworks via crystallite size: The role of hydrogen bonding between intruded and bulk liquid

Johnson, Liam J.W.; Paulo, Gonçalo; Bartolomé, Luis; Amayuelas, Eder; Gubbiotti, Alberto; Mirani, Diego; Le Donne, Andrea; López, Gabriel A.; Grancini, Giulia; Zajdel, Paweł; Meloni, Simone; Giacomello, Alberto; Grosu, Yaroslav

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Johnson, Liam J.W. and
                  Paulo, Gonçalo and
                  Bartolomé, Luis and
                  Amayuelas, Eder and
                  Gubbiotti, Alberto and
                  Mirani, Diego and
                  Le Donne, Andrea and
                  López, Gabriel A. and
                  Grancini, Giulia and
                  Zajdel, Paweł and
                  Meloni, Simone and
                  Giacomello, Alberto and
                  Grosu, Yaroslav},
  title        = {{Optimization of the wetting-drying characteristics 
                   of hydrophobic metal organic frameworks via
                   crystallite size: The role of hydrogen bonding
                   between intruded and bulk liquid}},
  month        = apr,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.1016/j.jcis.2023.04.059},
  url          = {}
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