Dataset Open Access

Analysis of elemental concentrations of hourly particle matter samples collected in the surroundings of an industrial harbor (Metadata RADIATE TA Proposal 19001971-ST)

Yubero Funes, Eduardo; Clemente Maria, Alvaro; Chiari, Massimo; Nava, Silvia

Proposal title "Analysis of elemental concentrations of hourly particle matter samples collected in the surroundings of an industrial harbor". Measurements carried out at the external beam set-up for atmospheric aerosol analysis of the INFN LABEC accelerator laboratory), from 27 till 31 January 2020. Hands-on mode.

The handling, loading and unloading of bulk materials from boats are important sources of particulate matter in the vicinity of industrial harbours. The harbour in the city of Alicante is located very close to the city itself. Schools and buildings are within less than one kilometer distance to the main activities of the harbour. The harbour sources do not emit particles continuously and sometimes, due to the composition of the aerosols emitted, are difficult to differentiate from other sources such as road dust, resuspended dust, etc. If daily filters are used the estimation of the contribution of these sources is very difficult. It is for this reason a Streaker instrument was used. A Streaker allows the collection of particles with a temporal resolution of one hour during the course of one week (more than 160 hours). Furthermore, the sampler is able to collect different fractions of the particulate matter (coarse and fine) in two different subtracts (Polypropylene and Nucleopore). The quantity of sample is small and as a result very difficult to analyze using traditional chemical techniques. The PIXE technique is suitable for measuring these kinds of filters and the INFN LABEC has the set up ready for measuring them.

During winter 2019, two Streaker samplers were placed in two different points inside the harbour area. One of them was located in between the docks where solid bulk materials are handled and the closest part of the harbour to the city of Alicante (where a primary school is located). The other was placed at the opposite end, close to the sea. Both sampling sites form a 180-degree angle. The campaign lasted two weeks. During the campaign, several boats docked in the harbour to load bulk materials (mainly clinker and limestone).

The main objective is to determine the impact that harbour operations involving the handling of bulk material has on the concentrations and chemical composition of the particulate matter. For this reason eight filters (4 of Nucleopore and 4 of polypropylene) collected with hourly resolution with the Streaker sampler were analyzed by PIXE technique using an extracted proton beam of 2.7 MeV.

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