Journal article Open Access

Novel organ-specific effects of Ketoprofen and its enantiomer, dexketoprofen on toxicological response transcripts and their functional products in salmon.

Augustine Arukwe; Francesca Cappelli; Luigi Intorre; Valentina Meucci; Elvira Mennillo; Carlo Pretti; Giacomo Luci

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  author       = {Augustine Arukwe and
                  Francesca Cappelli and
                  Luigi Intorre and
                  Valentina Meucci and
                  Elvira Mennillo and
                  Carlo Pretti and
                  Giacomo Luci},
  title        = {{Novel organ-specific effects of Ketoprofen and its 
                   enantiomer, dexketoprofen on toxicological
                   response transcripts and their functional products
                   in salmon.}},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2020,
  doi          = {10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105677},
  url          = {}
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