Journal article Open Access

A versatile and user-friendly approach for the analysis of proteins in ancient and historical objects.

Gennaro Marino; Gennaro Marino; Andrea Carpentieri; Georgia Ntasi; Ilaria Stanzione; Patrizia Somma; Paola Giardina; Leila Birolo; Paola Cicatiello; Daniel P. Kirby

JSON Export

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  "created": "2023-09-24T14:01:45.971708+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1016/j.jprot.2020.104039", 
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        "name": "Gennaro Marino"
        "name": "Gennaro Marino"
        "name": "Andrea Carpentieri"
        "name": "Georgia Ntasi"
        "name": "Ilaria Stanzione"
        "name": "Patrizia Somma"
        "name": "Paola Giardina"
        "name": "Leila Birolo"
        "name": "Paola Cicatiello"
        "name": "Daniel P. Kirby"
    "description": "Abstract Identification and characterization of ancient proteins still require technical developments towards non-invasiveness, sensitivity, versatility and ease of use of the analyses. We report that the enzyme functionalized films, described in Cicatiello et al. (2018), can be used efficiently on the surface of different objects ranging from fixative-coated paper to canvas to the coating on an albumen photograph, as well as the much harder surfaces of ivory objects and the proteinaceous binders in the decoration of a wooden Egyptian coffin. The mixture of digested peptides that are efficiently captured on the functionalized surface are also amenable to LC-MS/MS analysis, which is necessary to confidently identify chemical modifications induced upon degradation, in order to characterize the conservation state of proteins. Moreover, in a two-step procedure, we have combined the trypsin functionalized film with a PNGaseF functionalized film, which adds a deglycosylation pretreatment allowing improved detection of glycosylated proteins. Significance User friendly trypsin functionalized films were implemented to expand their potential as versatile, modular tools that can be widely exploited in the world of diagnosis of cultural heritage objects, ancient proteins, and palaeoproteomics: a procedure that could be carried out by conservators or archaeologists first on-site and later analysed with standard MS techniques.", 
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        "program": "H2020", 
        "title": "Teaching Emerging Methods in Palaeoproteomics for the European Research Area"
    "keywords": [
      "Aurora Universities Network", 
      "European Training Networks", 
      "European Commission", 
      "Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage", 
      "European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program"
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    "publication_date": "2020-04-08", 
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  "updated": "2023-09-24T14:01:46.052567+00:00"
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