Journal article Open Access

Year‐Round In Situ Measurements of Arctic Low‐Level Clouds: Microphysical Properties and Their Relationships With Aerosols

Ove Hermansen; C. A. Pedersen; Masataka Shiobara; Angelo Lupi; Vito Vitale; Jinro Ukita; Johan Ström; Peter Tunved; Christoph Ritter; Darrel Baumgardner; Makoto Koike; K. Yamada

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Ove Hermansen and
                  C. A. Pedersen and
                  Masataka Shiobara and
                  Angelo Lupi and
                  Vito Vitale and
                  Jinro Ukita and
                  Johan Ström and
                  Peter Tunved and
                  Christoph Ritter and
                  Darrel Baumgardner and
                  Makoto Koike and
                  K. Yamada},
  title        = {{Year‐Round In Situ Measurements of Arctic 
                   Low‐Level Clouds: Microphysical Properties and
                   Their Relationships With Aerosols}},
  month        = feb,
  year         = 2019,
  doi          = {10.1029/2018jd029802},
  url          = {}
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