Archive/mirror of scholarly works by Italian or Italy-related authors, for preservation and discoverability purposes.
Curated by: pdoaIl progetto "Virtual Environment for a Superior neuro-Psychiatry" Second Generation (VESPA 2.0) continua la precedente attività di promozione della salute e l'utilizzo di soluzioni innovative per il benessere psico-fisico dei soggetti in condizione di...
Curated by: roberto_barberaThis community gathers research outputs of the members of the Department of Physics and Astronomy "E. Majorana" of the University of Catania.
Curated by: roberto_barberaThe aim of CYGNO project is the study of low energy (1-100 keV) rare events by means of a Time Projection Chamber with a GEM Optical Readout to be exploited in directional dark matter search and solar neutrino study. The ERC Consolidator Grant...
Curated by: JMacRepository of manuscripts, projects and student work from the Eastern Mennonite University
Curated by: scolafranceschiTest community for University of Innsbruck.
Curated by: thomas_haselwanterThis community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by the Working Package 3: Big Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Visualization of the Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)
Curated by: fvitelloThis community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by the Working Package 1 and 2 of the Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)
Curated by: sdellatoJust login to get started. Then, you can: