Communities created and curated by INFN Open Access Repository users

Italian papers mirror

Archive/mirror of scholarly works by Italian or Italy-related authors, for preservation and discoverability purposes.

Curated by: pdoa

Progetto VESPA 2.0

Il progetto "Virtual Environment for a Superior neuro-Psychiatry" Second Generation (VESPA 2.0) continua la precedente attività di promozione della salute e l'utilizzo di soluzioni innovative per il benessere psico-fisico dei soggetti in condizione di...

Curated by: roberto_barbera

Department of Physics and Astronomy "E. Majorana" of the University of Catania

This community gathers research outputs of the members of the Department of Physics and Astronomy "E. Majorana" of the University of Catania.

Curated by: roberto_barbera

Cygno Project

The aim of CYGNO project is the study of low energy (1-100 keV) rare events by means of a Time Projection Chamber with a GEM Optical Readout to be exploited in directional dark matter search and solar neutrino study. The ERC Consolidator Grant...

Curated by: JMac

Silicon nanowires

Community on latest research on Si nanowires

Curated by: mariajoselofaro

Scienze sociali

Social science texts and data.

Curated by: M_C_Pievatolo

Eastern Mennonite University repository

Repository of manuscripts, projects and student work from the Eastern Mennonite University

Curated by: scolafranceschi

University of Innsbruck

Test community for University of Innsbruck. 

Curated by: thomas_haselwanter

Spoke 3 - WP3 repository

This community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by  the Working Package 3: Big Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Visualization  of the Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

Curated by: fvitello

ICSC Spoke 3 - WP1 and WP2 repository

This community contains research outputs and other types of contents produced by the Working Package 1 and 2 of the Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

Curated by: sdellato

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  • Curate — accept/reject what goes in your community collection.
  • Export — your community collection is automatically exported via OAI-PMH
  • Upload — get custom upload link to send to people