Presentation Open Access

Investigation of CR heliospheric propagation models during Forbush Decrease with GPU parallelization

Della Torre, Stefano

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02) is pivotal in providing precise and exhaustive measurements of cosmic-ray (CR) fluxes in Earth's orbit. Transient variations in solar activity exert a considerable influence on low-energy CRs, challenging inferences on their intensities. Recently released daily flux measurements from the AMS open the opportunity for in-depth exploration into how solar disturbances, such as Coronal Mass Ejections, alter the heliospheric environment, leading to Forbush effects. This study conducts a comparative analysis of Forbush decreases observed by AMS-02 against predictions generated by numerical simulations of CR heliospheric propagation models. Probing multiple instances in a local and transient environment, we aim to shine a light on
general properties governing CR propagation. To perform this investigation, we employ a novel Monte Carlo numerical simulation code, leveraging GPU parallelization with a Single Input Multiple Data approach. The code propagates a sample of quasi-particles backward in time through parallel, independent computations. Subsequently, the resulting distributions are averaged to solve the Parker Transport Equation. The insights gained from this study contribute to enhancing the reliability of numerical models in interpreting AMS-02 observations within the context of solar phenomena

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