Journal article Open Access

High Precision Test of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for Electrons

Piscicchia, Kristian; Amirkhani, Aidin; Bartalucci, Sergio; Bertolucci, Sergio; Bazzi, Massimiliano; Bragadireanu, Mario; Cargnelli, Michael; Clozza, Alberto; Curceanu, Catalina; Del Grande, Raffaele; De Paolis, Luca; Egger, Jean-Pierre; Fiorini, Carlo; Guaraldo, Carlo; Iliescu, Mihail; Laubenstein, Matthias; Marton, Johann; Miliucci, Marco; Milotti, Edoardo; Pichler, Andreas; Pietreanu, Dorel; Scordo, Alessandro; Shi, Hexi; Sirghi, Diana Laura; Sirghi, Florin; Sperandio, Laura; Vazquez Doce, Oton; Zmeskal, Johann

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "DOI": "10.3390/condmat4020045", 
  "abstract": "<p>The VIP-2 experiment aims to perform high precision tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle&nbsp;for electrons. The method consists in circulating a continuous current in a copper strip, searching&nbsp;for the X radiation emission due to a prohibited transition (from the 2p level to the 1s level of&nbsp;copper when this is already occupied by two electrons). VIP already set the best limit on the PEP&nbsp;violation probability for electrons <span class=\"math-tex\">\\(\\frac{1}{2} \\beta^2 &lt; 4.7 \\times 10^{-29}\\)</span>, the goal of the upgraded VIP-2 (VIolation of&nbsp;the Pauli Exclusion Principle-2) experiment is to improve this result of two orders of magnitude at&nbsp;least. The experimental apparatus and the results of the analysis of a first set of collected data will&nbsp;be presented.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Piscicchia, Kristian"
      "family": "Amirkhani, Aidin"
      "family": "Bartalucci, Sergio"
      "family": "Bertolucci, Sergio"
      "family": "Bazzi, Massimiliano"
      "family": "Bragadireanu, Mario"
      "family": "Cargnelli, Michael"
      "family": "Clozza, Alberto"
      "family": "Curceanu, Catalina"
      "family": "Del Grande, Raffaele"
      "family": "De Paolis, Luca"
      "family": "Egger, Jean-Pierre"
      "family": "Fiorini, Carlo"
      "family": "Guaraldo, Carlo"
      "family": "Iliescu, Mihail"
      "family": "Laubenstein, Matthias"
      "family": "Marton, Johann"
      "family": "Miliucci, Marco"
      "family": "Milotti, Edoardo"
      "family": "Pichler, Andreas"
      "family": "Pietreanu, Dorel"
      "family": "Scordo, Alessandro"
      "family": "Shi, Hexi"
      "family": "Sirghi, Diana Laura"
      "family": "Sirghi, Florin"
      "family": "Sperandio, Laura"
      "family": "Vazquez Doce, Oton"
      "family": "Zmeskal, Johann"
  "id": "30672", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "eng", 
  "title": "High Precision Test of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for Electrons", 
  "type": "article-journal"
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