Journal article Open Access

Mechanism of Water Intrusion into Flexible ZIF-8: Liquid Is Not Vapor

Amayuelas, Eder; Tortora, Marco; Bartolomè, Luis; Littlefair, Josh D.; Paulo, Gonçalo; Le Donne, Andrea; Trump, Benjamin; Yakovenko, Andrey A.; Chorązėwski, Mirosław; Giacomello, Alberto; Zajdel, Paweł; Meloni, Simone; Grosu, Yaroslav

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "DOI": "10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00235", 
  "abstract": "<p>Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIF) find&nbsp;application in storage and dissipation of mechanical energy.<br>\nTheir distinctive properties linked to their (sub)nanometer size&nbsp;and hydrophobicity allow for water intrusion only under high&nbsp;hydrostatic pressure. Here we focus on the popular ZIF-8 material&nbsp;investigating the intrusion mechanism in its nanoscale cages, which&nbsp;is the key to its rational exploitation in target applications. In this&nbsp;work, we used a joint experimental/theoretical approach&nbsp;combining in operando synchrotron experiments during high-&nbsp;pressure intrusion experiments, molecular dynamics simulations,&nbsp;and stochastic models to reveal that water intrusion into ZIF-8 occurs by a cascade filling of connected cages rather than a&nbsp;condensation process as previously assumed. The reported results allowed us to establish structure/function relations in this&nbsp;prototypical microporous material, representing an important step to devise design rules to synthesize porous media.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Amayuelas, Eder"
      "family": "Tortora, Marco"
      "family": "Bartolom\u00e8, Luis"
      "family": "Littlefair, Josh D."
      "family": "Paulo, Gon\u00e7alo"
      "family": "Le Donne, Andrea"
      "family": "Trump, Benjamin"
      "family": "Yakovenko, Andrey A."
      "family": "Chor\u0105z\u0117wski, Miros\u0142aw"
      "family": "Giacomello, Alberto"
      "family": "Zajdel, Pawe\u0142"
      "family": "Meloni, Simone"
      "family": "Grosu, Yaroslav"
  "id": "77075", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "title": "Mechanism of Water Intrusion into Flexible ZIF-8: Liquid Is Not Vapor", 
  "type": "article-journal"
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