Journal article Open Access

Analysis of ice-sheet temperature profiles from low-frequency airborne remote sensing

Kenneth C. Jezek; Caglar Yardim; Joel T. Johnson; Giovanni Macelloni; Marco Brogioni

Dublin Core Export

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  <dc:creator>Kenneth C. Jezek</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Caglar Yardim</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Joel T. Johnson</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Giovanni Macelloni</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Marco Brogioni</dc:creator>
	  Ice internal temperature and basal geothermal heat flux (GHF) are analyzed along a study line in northwestern Greenland. The temperatures were obtained from a previously reported inversion of airborne microwave brightness-temperature spectra. The temperatures vary slowly through the upper ice sheet and more rapidly near the base increasing from ~259 K near Camp Century to values near the melting point near NorthGRIP. The flow-law rate factor is computed from temperature data and analytic expressions. The rate factor increases from ~1 × 10−8 to 8 × 10−8 kPa−3 a−1 along the line. A laminar flow model combined with the depth-dependent rate factor is used to estimate horizontal velocity. The modeled surface velocities are about a factor of 10 less than interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) surface velocities. The laminar velocities are fitted to the InSAR velocities through a factor of 8 enhancement of the rate factor for the lower 25% of the column. GHF values retrieved from the brightness temperature spectra increase from ~55 to 84 mW m−2 from Camp Century to NorthGRIP. A strain heating correction improves agreement with other geophysical datasets near Camp Century and NEEM but differ by ~15 mW m−2 in the central portion of the profile.</dc:description>
  <dc:subject>Earth-Surface Processes</dc:subject>
  <dc:title>Analysis of ice-sheet temperature profiles from low-frequency airborne remote sensing</dc:title>
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