Journal article Open Access

The nature of a chlorophyll ligand in Lhca proteins determines the far red fluorescence emission typical of photosystem I.

Jacques Breton; Roberta Croce; Tomas Morosinotto; Tomas Morosinotto; Roberto Bassi; Roberto Bassi

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Jacques Breton and
                  Roberta Croce and
                  Tomas Morosinotto and
                  Tomas Morosinotto and
                  Roberto Bassi and
                  Roberto Bassi},
  title        = {{The nature of a chlorophyll ligand in Lhca 
                   proteins determines the far red fluorescence
                   emission typical of photosystem I.}},
  month        = dec,
  year         = 2003,
  doi          = {10.1074/jbc.m309203200},
  url          = {}
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